“My alpha” “my omega” this shit makes me want to plunge a knife deep in my guts, walk through broken glass, set myself on fire, jump on an ocean filled with sharks and let them kill me
Yeah role play exists, but we all now BL only do this to fetishize the “feminine bottom” into being the “woman of the relationship” aka wife Idontfuckingknow
He literally gave birth. I don't think we need to worry about the "my alpha/omega" to feminize the Uke
He literally gave birth. I don't think we need to worry about the "my alpha/omega" to feminize the Uke rala
I’m not talking about only this manhwa. Omegaverse is trash we all know that, I’m also including everything else, sorry if I diânt express myself right
I’m not talking about only this manhwa. Omegaverse is trash we all know that, I’m also including everything else, sorry if I diânt express myself right Idontfuckingknow
If you don't like the dynamic of feminizing the uke, then you probably need to read more buff uke stories.
I’m not talking about only this manhwa. Omegaverse is trash we all know that, I’m also including everything else, sorry if I diânt express myself right Idontfuckingknow
Then just read Bara, if this is not your cup of tea, But in this Mangas defence, Keith was always into women, so for him to to go for Yeanwoo, the least requirement should be that he is at some point feminine
Then just read Bara, if this is not your cup of tea, But in this Mangas defence, Keith was always into women, so for him to to go for Yeanwoo, the least requirement should be that he is at some point feminine rala
Bro I’m not talking about hating feminine men, I’m talking about treating men as if they are women with this “wife” bullshit
“My alpha” “my omega” this shit makes me want to plunge a knife deep in my guts, walk through broken glass, set myself on fire, jump on an ocean filled with sharks and let them kill me