just a thought:

meowken January 9, 2024 12:05 am

a pansexual here, and most of the people from where i am right now think that if you're not straight, then you're gay (sometimes bi). pansexuality is kind of foreign to most people here and doesn't understand what it is. before, i used to tell people openly that i am pansexual, but everytime it happens it would result to them saying that i made it up and there's no such thing as that, even though i go through great lengths to explain to them and all. with this, i realized that not all people will be as open as i thought they would be and i can't force everyone to do so. there's nothing wrong with wanting to be accepted, but it's just that it became so tiring to me. I've come to terms with it and now i don't really care whatever people thinks. i don't feel the need to tell people my sexuality anymore, and surprisingly, it's the same to my parents. and since then, I've never been as peaceful as i am now before. maybe that only works for me or not, but that's just how i coped with my situation. and i hope people out there will find what works for them eventually. i wish y'all peace and happiness.

    killerkel January 9, 2024 1:46 am

    Pansexual here too and I completely relate to that. When I tell people that I'm pan they basically don't understand even when I try to explain it and label me as bi. I've come to accept it since people don't know the different types of sexualities nor do they care to look into it themselves. I'm not too bothered by it because at the end of the day, I know who I am

    notTexas January 9, 2024 3:35 am

    Totally relatable!