Color blind po ako ಥ‿ಥ

Rimari January 8, 2024 1:37 pm

With that stabbing scene, I am honestly doubting myself if I really hate or somehow like this brother of his... I think he can be fix ಥ‿ಥ

    RNS January 8, 2024 2:10 pm

    No. Trust me, he can't be. There is no refund from this psychopathic behaviour... Maybe. But no!

    Mih January 8, 2024 9:58 pm

    Toxic people do the “I’m hurting myself because of you” all the time, it’s just a way to manipule and make the other person stay….

    Theystolemyname January 8, 2024 10:56 pm

    Please don't... Just think about it. Let's ignore for now how he forcefully kept MC by his side (um, unlawfull imprisonment), or how he completely isolated him by taking away everyone he cared for and who could be his support in life and emotionally (and I have little doubt that he had them murdered), both of which is incredibly damaging to mental wellbeing.

    So if we look at only how he stabbed himself, because MC said that he will take a look at him, it is plenty bad in itself. This isn't a show of healthy devotion, or loyal love. Because that would be making reasonable sacrifices (physically hurting yourself, especially to such a degree, only for the sake of getting hurt is not reasonable), for equal rewards. Yes, equal rewards. Because giving up something to make the person you love, happy and healthy, is getting an equal reward in exchange, because in normal relationships, your loved one's happiness and health is your own happiness as well.

    In this manhua, it's obsessive manipulation, pure, 100% manipulation. This is a common tactic used by abusers. They prey on the victim's morals, on their affection. The victim feels affection towards the abuser, or simply does not wish to be responsible for violence, because of this they do not wish the abuser to be hurt. So what does the abuser do? They take their own wellbeing hostage. They threathen the victim with violence against a person the victim loves. They could very well threathen to stab the victim's beloved brother, or they could threathen to stab themselves, it does not matter, because the endgoal is same: "if you do not do as I say, I will hurt someone you love. I do not care how this will hurt YOU". This is not romantic, or healthy, no matter how much the abusers, or romanticised abuse in media and stories says otherwise.

    The king does not make a reasonable sacrifice: he hurts himself just for the sake of getting hurt.

    He does not do it for a reasonable reward: he does it to morally kidnap MC, to make him desperate, to make him feel bad; all to force him to agree to something, that MC has repeatedly (and very reasonably) refused to do, because it would bring him great distress.

    In short: it's unhealthy, because the king uses violence to force MC to do something that would cause him further distress.

    If you are ever faced with someone, who tries to make you do something (for example, start dating them, or not break up with them), by telling you that they will hurt themselves, or they will be depressed, suicidal, etc, if you do not comply, then you should never, ever give in to their demands. In the first place, the likelyhood of them not lying to you is very, very small. And, more importantly, their feelings on this matter is NOT YOUR RESPONSIBILITY. That's the end of it. If they get depressed, because you want to leave a relationship that does not work out for you, it's their own responsibility to get through it. Never yours.
    And if they threathen with selfharm, or suicide? Call the ambulance on their ass. Fr. Even just saying "if you really think that you will hurt yourself, I will call the ambulance now" will have a very high likelyhood of stopping their lies. And if they decide to call your bluff and still threathen you, or actually do it, then just call the ambulance for real. If they hurt themselves, you did what you could, now they are in the hands of professionals and NOT YOUR RESPONSIBILITY. If they lied, then they will have the authorities on their ass, and THAT will more than likely straighten up their act, because they will have to have some really uncomfortable talks with people who can give them hefty fines, and permanent black marks on their record, and no one wants that.

    TL;DR: just don't. He is a crazy abuser, it's not romantic.

    Mih January 9, 2024 2:24 am
    Please don't... Just think about it. Let's ignore for now how he forcefully kept MC by his side (um, unlawfull imprisonment), or how he completely isolated him by taking away everyone he cared for and who could... Theystolemyname

    Rimari January 11, 2024 4:51 am
    Please don't... Just think about it. Let's ignore for now how he forcefully kept MC by his side (um, unlawfull imprisonment), or how he completely isolated him by taking away everyone he cared for and who could... Theystolemyname

    bro's an expert with toxic people