so in one of the later updates (I can’t remember which chapters). The author took a few weeks hiatus and then Juju was catching up in between or something like). You can find it in one of jujus notes at the beginning or end of a chapter (I’m sorry I forgot which one). Juju was maybe a few days behind the hiatus or I think even working in the chapter like the day it was finally released. Not too bad. Really fast in my opinion and people were angry he was taking too long and angrily demanding he drop it and give it to scan groups who would happily take on the job. And they were accusing juju of being slow and weeks behind while not even aware the author or chapters were actually on hiatus at the time they were being rude as heck. And they were so ungrateful and rude to juju. I couldn’t believe it at all. It was gross
I’ve never seen such entitled little fuckwits in all my years of reading. If you are were mature enough you’d understand that you’re getting i||3gal scans FOR FREE At Ju’s expense.
Ju is so good at what he is doing and is so on time with the updates. Kindly, and I mean this with all disrespect, stfu and stop reading if you can’t wait. Some of us are veterans of patiently waiting years for updates. You should count yourself so lucky and grateful that Ju is keeping up with scans all while they have a life of their own.
I’m disgusted by yall