
Sammuk was also a literal dog at one point so makes sense he’d know nothing about how conception works but remember they point out the tattoo on the deities body stands for how many children he has? Could also be a reference to being the carrier. Just saying if the author doesn’t explicitly state it it’s up to the readers interpretation and not something to argue about, it’s just a fun little read. I personally love the idea that they trust and love each other enough to explore pleasure beyond strict roles given to them by societal standards. :)
Since it’s a hot topic, has the mangaka specifically mentioned anywhere that they don’t code couples to be switches? Because this couple gives me that vibe. Also, just because their ancient era selves may be one way doesn’t mean their modern era selves couldn’t be another. Because for one reason the ancient era version of themselves had children which the deity could birth and this modern boss could not hence taking away a potential need for him to be the bottom and allowing opportunity for enjoyment and exploration as a top. Or maybe both versions explored being switches as many couples do! It’s a story, we should be happy they leave room for interpretation