He will take revange

zaswas15 January 8, 2024 1:36 am

He will take revenge people, just chill. He just realized he wanted a place to return to after he had completed his revenge. He has found his home, the place he wants to protect. the thing that will drive him further. Hatred can only take you so far, having something to protect truly makes you push yourself. He told the girl he would leave the forest for a while remember? He just doesn't want to be consumed by revenge, as being consumed by revenge in most cases makes you really empty after you've done it. Like what are you going to do now? You slaved away to take down your enemy. Now what? You have nothing else to live for? Mc has the thing that will let him take revenge and last. So tired of people saying I will drop this for this and that. Just leave. no need to write a comment, saying it wasn't what i expected to I left.
