No one has mentioned this, it seems. But I’m happy the ML has fully come round and is working his ass off to make it up to her from the shadows after the absolute dick he made of himself in the beginning.
She’ll probably forgive him because the FL is that nice once the reveal happens. But if I were her, I’d want that man to NEVER show his face to me ever. Just because he made some pissy assumptions when she LEGALLY OWNED THAT LAND, he literally criminalised her existence, sabotaged her farm, shot an arrow at her which could have fatally hit her if she had just made a single unexpected movement and KNOWINGLY TESTED A POTENTIALLY MILITARY WEAPON OVER HER LAND.
Am I remembering this right?
He is lucky this is a light-hearted story because his bullshit law could’ve killed her. When no one is allowed to interact with you or even acknowledge you exist, how do you shop? Get supplies? Feed yourself when you can’t buy groceries? She literally came to the farm with the clothes on her back and a suitcase. The only pro to that law is she’s technically exempt from taxes?
No one has mentioned this, it seems. But I’m happy the ML has fully come round and is working his ass off to make it up to her from the shadows after the absolute dick he made of himself in the beginning.
She’ll probably forgive him because the FL is that nice once the reveal happens. But if I were her, I’d want that man to NEVER show his face to me ever. Just because he made some pissy assumptions when she LEGALLY OWNED THAT LAND, he literally criminalised her existence, sabotaged her farm, shot an arrow at her which could have fatally hit her if she had just made a single unexpected movement and KNOWINGLY TESTED A POTENTIALLY MILITARY WEAPON OVER HER LAND.
Am I remembering this right?
He is lucky this is a light-hearted story because his bullshit law could’ve killed her. When no one is allowed to interact with you or even acknowledge you exist, how do you shop? Get supplies? Feed yourself when you can’t buy groceries? She literally came to the farm with the clothes on her back and a suitcase. The only pro to that law is she’s technically exempt from taxes?