i mean i just finished reading the end of season 2 and i feel like the story started progressing just now, where she doesnt only depend on her miracles but also uses her own brain loll. i personally like this webtoon cause she isnt relying on others to save her, but is doing it herself, and i like FL like that

The main problem, as someone who absolutely adored this before the hiatus is mainly the ML. Without spoiling too much, he becomes borderline abusive towards her. She can’t even be affectionate towards other people without him growing jealous and growling “you’re mine”. He goes from a really sweet guy with major familial issues to a straight up yandere. The story in general kinda just goes no where too. As someone who could’ve easily rated this a 5/5, it’s dropped to a 2/5 due to all of this. Try to read it but that above didn’t even try to criticize what’s been happening the past few chapters…
I started reading this story back in 2019 and after the long hiatus I’m here again. Reading the comment section it seems like the plot is going nowhere: is it really that boring and repetitive with continuous miracles? Is there hope for a better development?