LOL that seme

DAT ASSS December 26, 2016 3:58 pm

this manga reminds me of my lover, most of the time he is expressionless he looks stern. (my friends are constantly apologizing to me they thought my lover is always mad at them LOL but he's not. he just looks like he is!! ( ̄∇ ̄")) and whenever were together, I'm the one who's always talking and laughing and he'll just sit there and watch me.
but one time i remember he was waiting for me and when he saw me, he had this wide idiotic smile on his face i almost laughed at him because he looks so stupid yet freakin adorable.(╯°Д °)╯╧╧
i was really surprised that was the first time i saw him smiled that way. AND THAT LAST PANEL MADE ME REMEMBER ALL THIS

    Eva.Eva January 30, 2017 11:26 pm

    My boyfriend is the same! When we had our first time we almost fought because he behaved like a retard hahaha he was too nervous and had his expressionless face, but when statted the tralala he couldn't find his way in and started to laugh and asked him why he dosent know where the ● is and he freaked out for the first time. He laughed so much it was kinda funny because he never laugh's out loud

    Eva.Eva January 30, 2017 11:28 pm

    My boyfriend is the same! When we had our first time we almost fought because he behaved like a retard hahaha he was too nervous and had his usual expressionless face, but when we started the tralala he couldn't find his way in and I started to laugh, asking him why he dosent know where the ● is and he freaked out for the first time. He laughed so much it was kinda funny because he never laugh's out loud

    Anonymous February 11, 2017 7:22 am

    I'm the same as him. I've often been told I look bored or stern, while in reality it's pretty easy to make me smile if you know me. Hell, I've been described as intimidating by some of my friends and classmates. (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜