The plot holes, short- ass backstory, annoying misunderstandings, lack of any logic behaviour, character assassination?, wasted arcs, no development, lacking plot? Forgotten sub- plots inconsistency, weird pacing . The random ending? Σ(っ°Д °;)っ
it's pretty standard manga with standard characters. Gonna forget about it before tomorrow. But well it was entertaining enough and pretty. 4/5
NO LITERALLY THATS WHAT IM SAYING I THOUGHT THIS WAS SO SHITthe plot was executed horribly and she barely explored the mc's depression and sadlyeverything was wasted on the smut scenes like how is this even abo... erm...
The rating is really too high.
The plot holes, short- ass backstory, annoying misunderstandings, lack of any logic behaviour, character assassination?, wasted arcs, no development, lacking plot? Forgotten sub- plots inconsistency, weird pacing . The random ending? Σ(っ°Д °;)っ
it's pretty standard manga with standard characters. Gonna forget about it before tomorrow. But well it was entertaining enough and pretty.