Not yet complete. They're looking for another artist atm, most likely it'll take a while since the previous art team posted why they quit being this manhwa's art team. Yes, he confessed his origins before leaving to be trained in the world of dragons (Sylvia/Sylvie). Chapter 148-149. Novel parents didn't but manhwa parents did

1. Yes, he will.
2. Chapter 139
3. Spoiler alert. Chances of them getting together for now is slim as Tessia too has another soul in her body. Just like Art, a fellow character during King Grey's past life was put into Tessia's body. This soul and Art doesn't resonate due to them being not in good terms during the 1st life.
Is this complete?? If not, then will this be continued?? Did Arthur confess to his Family that he was a King in previous life?? If he did what Chapter?? Did his Family accept it??