Yeah it's definitely not as bad. But it's unnecessary. Why did the author have to make a rape scene? If Seoan is angry, he could throw things, break things, hit the wall until he bleeds. Why rape?? Rape is such a low and disgusting move, and it's so out of place. I can accept it if Seoan were a victim to sexual abuse and the only way he knew how to vent his anger was take it out on his partner sexually. But there was no foreshadowing of that, unless I forgot. So if the author was going in that direction, they're doing a bad job of it.

I get what you mean, but miscommunication can lead to awful things, including SA. I believe it could have also been portrayed in the way you said, but the author chose to write it this way. Its a real problem and the author portrayed it quite well. It's valid to be mad at Seoan and what he did is obviously very wrong, I just dont see why ppl are bashing the author so much.

Well I guess people expected Seoan to be a good person. Their relationship started out pretty healthy and fluffy and that's what readers hoped it'll be for the rest of the story. And like I said, it's pretty out of place and unnecessary, even if it's a realistic scenario. Since it's valid to be mad at Seoan, it's also valid to be mad at the author for making Seoan do something like that, for no reason at all.
I dont get it. The scene isn't romantizced and meant to show how unhealthy it is to not communicate and act on your anger. You guys need to understand that of course, what is being shown isnt good, but if the author doesn't sugar coat it/romanticize it, I don't see a problem? You can say from now that the relationship is toxic/he should leave him but if they stay together then that's just how the story goes and they work it out ig stop tryna make everything go the way u want it to/bash on authors for adding sensitive topics. There are many bls like Jinx where the SA is romanticized, but honestly I just don't see that here (just my opinion)