Yes he will convince cain past story to end and move on, so cain will be free and so is jooin from people's view and feelings on him. His confidence as main character has been taken over. He is reclaiming his main character title by not letting others affect his decisions :) he will no longer be cains master <3

No brother. he only want closure to make cain less insane about their dog history and reject him as well. A proper face to face rejection because cain already knew jooins answer - he is a coward to face him. And also he will return the ring or else jooin would always feel like he owes cain for life.

But there still wasn't proper closure between. Jooin still has a lot to say and if Jooin doesn't say anything it will become regretful (going base on the author bio ppl are talking about). And Cain himself should also talk it out rather than leave a letter. Will see it probably come to a conclusion and after so time might reunite a few years later, so who's.

Jooin not fully taking Cain feelings into consideration isn't him treating him horribly. Honestly, Jooin doesn't always need to cater to others people feelings if he doesn't want too. But he has realized he has done wrong and wants to fix it and leave off to a good note rather than a bad one. No matter how much it hurts (for both of them not just one)
So sick of yall saying Cain deserves better. As if Jooin doesn't. We saw how manipulated Jooin been with false hope, you expect him to know so much when he too hasn't been in an experience relationship before. This is all new to him.

In a nutshell… if you know you are not feeling someone or will ever love them don’t string them along keeping them hoping for a relationship that will never come to be. And yes Cain deserves better. Jooin knew first hand how it felt to have unrequited love. One would think he would be gentle with someone else’s heart… but no. He’s unnecessarily about to break Cain’s heart again. Jooin doesn’t owe can an emotional obligation but goddamn can he grant him dignity and grace?

Kinda funny readers alway say he strung Cain along when he never did. He was not the one chasing him nor pursing him in anyway. And yes he indeed was waiting for him until Ryan called. He was finally having an open path for Cain until the call where Ryan said those things about Cain and that's when Jooin felt like he was ruining Cain. Please yall think it's all one simple path and it's not.
so he’s going through all this trouble and waiting so he could add closure to the rejection or what ?