Kartein fixed frame because they were causing trouble for the Korean people and would likely find out his distinguished cat identity so he went directly. He fixed jiwons core because kayden made an agreement with him but he never wanted to fix kaydens core because kayden never wanted help on the first place. With terms and conditions if Kayden made request, kartein would’ve definitely helped him

Why do people keep pushing for Kartein to heal Kayden even though Kayden had already explained that doing so could cause Kartein serious harm? Kayden's wounds carry the combined power of three of the top 10, and his own power is also immense. This is different from Astra's situation. Remember, Kartein even had a nosebleed after treating Astra, and Kayden's power is even greater. Healing is not a joke, and Kayden doesn't want Kartein to treat him either. Please think about Kartein's well-being for once.
Since Kartein can heal bad injuries and even can heal core. Why doesn’t he heal Kayden!!! Especially since the last chapter he healed one of the frame dude who almost killed/capture him. Till Kayden came and for a few minutes he restore Kayden power to how he was before he was injured. He healed the frame dude for 10 days straight!!! Can he not heal Kayden???, is he that badly injured that he can’t heal him. Because I feel like maybe the story is like that(meaning Kayden always not fully healed) so he can stay by jiwoo side so he can teach, or eventually Kayden will die by an opponent bc he’s not full healed and jiwoo will become an Op and take on Kayden’s legacy!!!