You literally said enough..
Also how is pointing out that it's r@p3 Hating??? Like why are ya'll so defensive about this when ya'll literally just admitted it's bad.. But "NOT AS BAD" because there are worst—
Like saying "I only killed 5 people" And "They killed 10" So I am better.. like NO YOU ARE NOT- YALL still killed someone.. Like stop comparing bad things because THEY ARE STILL BOTH BAD NO MATTER WHAT YOU DO dear..

You need to really develop your critical thinking skills if all you understood from this chapter was "rape = bad, so this manhwa = bad, so everybody defending the manhwa = bad".
Let me point out to you the difference between the SA shown in this work and a lot of the braindead BLs you yourself probably consume.
Braindead BLs will normalise and romanticise unnecessary SA to progress their plot, often showing the couple falling in love with each other with little to no retribution from what they've done.
The SA shown here was an expected and logical development. Does that make SA good? Does it mean the author is romanticising or normalising SA? Why don't you try thinking about it.
Answer: No. Seoan is mentally ill with crazy emotional trauma who felt his relationship threatened and needed to quickly validate and reinforce said relationship, his reaction is expected. Excused? No. Expected. Yes.
How did the author portray it? Upi shows how destructive his behaviour is, shows him coming to a realisation. Shows a very accurate representation of people with mental illness reacting to their issues. Adds nuance to the situation.
Notice how it's the act of SA that is bad and not necessarily the topic/discussion/portrayal of it that is bad??????

Have I came to the conclusion that if a scene is bad then the manhwa or book is bad?
I never said that.
And no I never also came to the conclusion that the author do romanticize SA. Cause i would never know. Really.
And I only reply to those people who can't see how someone's taking advantage of just because of their consideration.
Because it speaks how they think the way how they think here.. Also I only compared the killing logic because They tried to compare SA in different manhwas.. Saying this is not enough to be called out since there are WAY WORST.. And that just seem so off- And weird.
Because it is enough, and saying that Woowon is being forced, taken advantage of is not HATING.. how is it though? How is referring that this scene is forceful = It's bad so Stop READING
Basically just pointing that out because some people don't realize it, some even thinks SA Can't happen in a romantic relationship- it's sickening..

Skill issue, both you and me. Sorry. I misread your comment cause it's quite messy. But I get your point, but you also need to understand that whatever you think about what happened is your opinion. I also think there was dubious consent. But people need to stop shouting rape at everything cause that's how lines get blurred and how the word is devalued.
Most of the people calling this rape have shit reasons, but there are also people who are defending it with shit reasons, i.e., @ the person calling out "single people".
This is a hellsite used by mentally underaged people. I get you feel strongly about the topic. I do too as a victim myself, but you need to choose your battles properly instead of replying to every comment heatedly. Cause most of the time, if your reply is just angry and accusive, people will just get angry and defensive. So take a break, stop engaging with them /genuine
its so sad to see theres a lot ppl hating this story and i just know yesterday the fandom also toxic.. i finally got a story where focus on struggle, development, not just some trashy segg plot yaoi manhwa. leave my babies alone if u dont like the story some of u need to realize how downgrade the quality of bl story in manhwa these last few months and u will find this manhwa is very much better than the other