BRO- I Can't believe you actually READ.. LIKE You are not someone that should read at all because you can't even differentiate what's wrong or right, You can't even identify wither someone's getting advantage of.. LIKE-
R4P3 Happens when You are forced into doing it.. Having S3x without a Proper consent, That is r4p3. It doesn't matter whoever that person is to you, Even Married couples or Romantic relationships. R4P3 IS R4P3.
Woowon didn't even gave a proper consent and CLEARLY SAID NO.
He didn't want to do it, "forcing" is R4P3 Seo-An is forcing himself on Woowon.. How is not R4p3??? Like wtf you on—

You're like saying
"I'm not a bad person I only killed 5 people and they killed 10"
"So I'm definitely way better" But are you? Yall still killed innocent people, It does not make any difference at all. Bad things will not be good if there are way more bad things, Bad things are still bad no matter wtf you do IT'S STILL BAD.
Yall really can't read yaoi do u. Most of the yaoi r like this so if yall can't tolerate at least this much you guys should stick only to soft fluffy stuff like "our sunny days" and so on. How the heck would the plot be interesting without some jealousy and common they r a couple how can it be rape.