Gosh!!!! I just want it to end!!!! I'm soo tired of this story. Every time tell myself tha...

Yue Sama January 5, 2024 11:25 pm

Gosh!!!! I just want it to end!!!! I'm soo tired of this story. Every time tell myself that I'm gonna stop reading this, but I need to see it to end. But it keeps going on circles!!!!!!

    Lajimololo January 6, 2024 1:16 am

    I really dont get comments like this. If you don't like it that's fine but then why do you keep reading it seriously just leave??? Like you are contradicting yourself and ruining it for the ppl who we do enjoy the story u know

    Yue Sama January 6, 2024 6:26 am
    I really dont get comments like this. If you don't like it that's fine but then why do you keep reading it seriously just leave??? Like you are contradicting yourself and ruining it for the ppl who we do enjoy ... Lajimololo

    Why Am I ruining it for you? Am I not entitle to have an opinion? I'm not commenting on anything you wrote. I'm commenting on how I feel about this story. Whether I like it or not, it's up to me. I said I keep reading it for a reason. Why does it bother you? Is not like I'm writing shit about the author. Chill out, will you? Why do you have to take it so seriously. This is why people don't like to comment sometimes. Cuz they get lashed out every time they disagree on something, and someone gets "offended". You don't have the right to tell me to leave or stop reading anything. If I want to torture myself reading something frustrating, THEN THAT'S MY PROBLEM, not yours. So let me be with my opinion, and I'll let you be with yours. Did I say something disrespectful to you? NO, I DIDN'T. So why do you have to be disrespectful to me???? I'm glad that you enjoy the story. Nobody says otherwise. And I don't get how my opinion matters so much to you, to the point of ruining it for you. Don't ever tell someone to JUST LEAVE. If we are here, is because we want to, for whatever reason.

    Lajimololo January 6, 2024 6:32 pm
    Why Am I ruining it for you? Am I not entitle to have an opinion? I'm not commenting on anything you wrote. I'm commenting on how I feel about this story. Whether I like it or not, it's up to me. I said I keep ... Yue Sama

    Have a nice day dude I'm not reading all that xd