This manwha just left me confused everything about this manwha was confusing. I am so anno...

Sakura January 5, 2024 3:20 pm

This manwha just left me confused everything about this manwha was confusing. I am so annoyed. Through the whole story It felt like the fl was a side-kick. LITERALLY NOTHING WAS ABOUT HER. IT WAS ALL ABOUT HER FRIEND SARAH LIKE I THOUGHT SHE WAS THE FL BECAUSE OF HOW MUCH EVERYTHING WAS JUST ABOUT HER. I dropped thus manhwa I don't know why I red it. The art was so beautiful but the story was sh*t

    Asapyon August 4, 2024 5:46 pm

    Come back once you have a relax mind.. the story is actually beautiful if you understand it well..

    Rinsama_ February 28, 2025 9:21 pm

    And it goes back to Roshua. I would say everyone here has a moment in this manhwa because it's their intertwined lives.