i think its honestly more of a trauma bond. or selfishness. most likely both.
from my understanding, nanmu is the person he slept with since a young age because of the way they grew up (if they didnt bang, it probably wouldve been much worse for them) i think its important to note that nanmu didnt (and still doesnt) find the sex with the hyung enjoyable. he said in earlier chapters that it would hurt or something along the lines of. also, nanmu’s coping mechanism seems to be sex? not 100% on that because i forgot. and one reason why i think that hyung doesn’t really love nanmu is because if he did, he wouldnt have fucked nanmu again when nanmu was not in the right mental state to properly consent. he was encouraging nanmu’s behavior, instead of helping him… you dont do that to someone you love.
Tbh u guys did jeolho hyung actually love/like namnu? Like I'm confused wheter he actually felt pity for him or actually like him??