that's why i read it on manta i know you'll have to wait five weeks for free episodes to catch up but trust me that's worth it reading experience +200%
that's why i read it on mantai know you'll have to wait five weeks for free episodes to catch up but trust me that's worth it reading experience +200% Abijyn
i, too, was reading this on manta but i got impatient at some point lol i guess it's because i know what goes down in the novel that i couldn't wait to see it drawn
i, too, was reading this on manta but i got impatient at some point lol i guess it's because i know what goes down in the novel that i couldn't wait to see it drawn eri-chan
aha i get it too, sometimes when there's a cliffhanger i go back here
the watermarks are killing me haha it didn't have this much watermark before or maybe it did but i just didn't notice.