It’s only been 4 chapters (Ao defender 4 LIFE)

TurtleWithATopphat January 4, 2024 4:04 am

The only reason y’all don’t like Ao is bc he isn’t bending over backwards (or getting his back blown out every 5s) for Asuka(ー`´ー)
Of course he’s going to be scared after being kidnapped and almost raped. They made it VERY clear that herbivores are weak to a carnivores strength CHAPTER 1.
He’s not going to let Asuka smash even if he saved him bc again not only was he KIDNAPPED AND ALMOST RAPED but just saw a guy get his head smashed in repeatedly. ANYONE would be scared in that situation, no matter how much of a bad bitch YOU THINK you are.

Asuka didn’t think before he acted which resulted in Ao’s family restaurant to completely demolished. OF COURSE HES GOING TO BE UPSET ON TOP OF THE FACT HE WAS ALMOST WHAT??? RAPED AND KIDNAPPED, HELLO????
Ao did absolutely nothing wrong but bc he’s not being a little bitch and spreading his legs whenever Asuka calls his name y’all have a problem ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

    TurtleWithATopphat January 4, 2024 4:12 am

    Asuka is very cute but he doesn’t think. He’s basically a child who doesn’t think before he acts. Ao saw him as a little brother before he left and then Asuka shows up proposing immediately. Asuka lives in some fantasy world while Ao is being realistic. He’s not going to immediately bend over backwards for some kid he hasn’t seen in TWELVE YEARS. He has responsibilities as a working adult while Asuka is busy fucking around. He’s a good kid but childish and impulsive. All y’all see is “Haha seme is head over heels for the uke ♡´・ᴗ・`♡ Look at him being silly”

    TurtleWithATopphat January 4, 2024 4:13 am
    Asuka is very cute but he doesn’t think. He’s basically a child who doesn’t think before he acts. Ao saw him as a little brother before he left and then Asuka shows up proposing immediately. Asuka lives i... TurtleWithATopphat

    (This isn’t Asuka slander btw. I love both of the cuties)

    Lea January 4, 2024 7:25 pm
    (This isn’t Asuka slander btw. I love both of the cuties) TurtleWithATopphat

    period. i love the way you pointed how they can easily be scared and it was said in the first chapter that they can even turn in animal form

    Irene January 21, 2024 7:13 am

    No, the reason we don't like Ao is because he blamed Asuka AFTER he calmed down when everything happened. Asuka wasn't the reason everything happened, it was THE leopards. You say you aren't slandering Asuka, but you literally blamed him for the leopards thrashing Ao's restaurant, lol. He did NOTHING to reach out to the guy who saved him from getting raped and blamed him for everything. Is there any reason to LIKE Ao, when he gave absolutely no reason for us to like him? A bottom doesn't automatically become a good character just because he is shitty to the top either.