
Also now that he knows about the talk going around and how he’s apparently “stopping Esteban from causing harm” he’s most likely going to feel pressured into staying with Esteban because he is the crowned prince’s knight after all, so therefor, he will do what he has to to protect him. If he broke up with Esteban or refused him, he could just use a threat and boom!! Llewyn is like a dog— but that’s just my theory for the next few pages, although I hope it won’t happen and Llewyn just gets better and stands up for himself, I wouldn’t be surprised if it ended up that way
I’m so desperately waiting for something bad to happen that will cause Esteban to grovel and Llewyn to turn him down like a BOSS cuz like actually.. Esteban is getting on my last nerve, like who does? This may sound twisted of me but if I was Llewyn I wouldn’t have complied and just cried my eyes out, guilt tripping isn’t always so bad— especially considering how Esteban probably wouldn’t feel guilty at all.. just tired of watching him cry and cry.. but seriously, I wanted to see Llewyn atleast stand up for himself and tell Esteban to stop, just because your body likes it doesn’t mean you like it, those are two different things ヽ(`Д´)ノ