Finna throw up

Mori jin January 3, 2024 6:34 am

The ending is so satisfying and cute I’m finna throw upI’m pregnant and I’m scared but stuff like this makes me excited for my future with a newborn

    Goober January 3, 2024 11:09 am


    kœshï January 4, 2024 12:25 pm


    FUCK OFF WITH YOUR SPOILERS! January 4, 2024 12:46 pm

    Men don't have babies in real life tho.

    Mori jin January 5, 2024 3:33 am
    Men don't have babies in real life tho. FUCK OFF WITH YOUR SPOILERS!

    Ik im a girl

    Mori jin January 5, 2024 3:34 am
    Congratulations kœshï

    Thank you

    Mori jin January 6, 2024 9:29 am
    Congrats!!! Goober


    Crylynn January 10, 2024 11:52 am

    I've had two children. I had my first when I was 25 and having your first child is the hardest. I was in labor with him for 6 days and I pushed for 17 hours. Don't let that scare you though I had an epidural but they screwed up so it made me lose the use of my legs and hips I couldn't move them at all and I couldn't push nothing it was just everything was numb but I could still feel the contractions and the pushing. They said I gave birth without an epidural. The epidural affected my legs and hips and that was it. So while my husband held one leg up and my mom and sister held the other leg up taking turns for 17 hours and me pushing even though I can't feel that I'm pushing was really hard. Especially because I felt everything. It's like when you have diarrhea and you have those horrible cramps but the cramps aren't working you can't push anything out literally have to rely on gravity while the cramps keep getting worse and worse. I wish I would have never even had the epidural because then I could have at least pushed and move my own legs. And not to mention my son had like the Guinness Book of Records largest head I swear. I wanted to squat but because I couldn't feel my legs I couldn't. Anyways my first child was horrible but there's also a lot of things wrong with me I have multiple sclerosis as well so this is just a rare case. Don't let it scare you. I just really like to bitch about my first child because it sucked. Now you will have a long labor just because it's your first. If you want an epidural you ask for a specialist and you want them on call for whenever you go into labor. Now my second which is my daughter I had contractions first 3 days prior to going to the hospital my water wouldn't break but I knew that I was in labor so I walked around and my water broke I had to run into my room and make sure that she wouldn't just fall out from me walking. I got on the bed in the nurses like do not push i'm like bitch look there is no not pushing my body is cramping itself she's coming out and she's coming out now. So the nurse and my sister delivered Elena. I swear my water broke 5 minutes later I went from zero dilation to 100% dilation then 2 minutes later she was born. And yes I did have an epidural but I had a professional one and made sure they were on call so I knew them very well and that was a perfect birth I could walk after it was great. I hope I didn't scare you because I had a lot of shit go wrong and it probably would have been better for me to get a C-section but I was just so against it because I have childbearing hips and I'd have been pissed if they were wasted. Nothing was dangerous or anything like that well maybe after the doctor asked me for the sixth time for the C-section I probably should have said yes but I had him right after I just needed to move around and I couldn't because of my legs anyways you will be fine I'm sure you don't have multiple sclerosis and having babies with multiple sclerosis is super hard. Oh and when they go to stitch you up if you give a vaginal birth tell him to stitch up a couple extra. In all honesty because I felt the first birth everything down there is pretty much numb your body numbs it so you don't feel like the baby coming out or anything like that you don't feel if you rip from badge to anus you don't feel your taint ripping at all. So you don't have to worry about that just ask them to stitch up a little extra for your partner. Tighter than I was then before I gave birth. Get that shit sewn right up. Anyways enough of my Horror Story. You'll be fine and it's amazing and emotional and super gross when they throw the baby on your chest all gunky and icky because they say that's the best for the mom and the child if you don't want them to do that you tell them. Tell them you want that baby washed before they throw it in your face. Both my kids were throwing on me but I know a lot of women don't like it with my daughter I was kind of like eat because she was covered with all sorts of fluids. I don't honestly remember my son I remember crying when they put them on my chest and I remember my husband crying that's all I can remember. Just do what you're comfortable with a lot of people aren't comfortable with breastfeeding if you're not comfortable with that tell them there's nothing wrong with it. I breastfed both for 3 months I think maybe less with Damon because he had colic so he needed to have special Similac. Breastfeeding was not fun for me I didn't get no sleep it was just really hard. But if you don't want to breastfeed don't let people pressure you into it you don't have to do it. It's honestly good for the first couple months at least splitting between breasts and formula if you don't want to do full on breast. It's just good for their immune system and so I pumped because I was more comfortable with that. My nipples are super sensitive like if I brush it with my arm it hurts so I just had some problems. Do what you want to do don't let people pressure you. Anyway message me when the baby's born let me know how Your Spawn came into the world. I like birth stories what can I say.

    Crylynn January 10, 2024 11:59 am
    I've had two children. I had my first when I was 25 and having your first child is the hardest. I was in labor with him for 6 days and I pushed for 17 hours. Don't let that scare you though I had an epidural bu... Crylynn

    Edit: rip from Vag to anus