Without even properly checking police came with that conclusion? FUCK....There must be cct...

Haru January 3, 2024 6:22 am

Without even properly checking police came with that conclusion?
FUCK....There must be cctv cameras around karaoke, right?
I really feel bad for the senior and doubting on sunny is justified as he always did some fucked of things. Even though I am sure he didn’t do that.

    BeeHive January 3, 2024 11:08 am

    The police checked with the witness and anyone who is present during that time. Dongchan and jiwoo is asleep and they also didnt know how the fire started, sunbae is in coma so he cant say anthing, sunny can’t remember clearly what happen so there only those 3 (lying) hs student statements also the problem is who lit the cigarette near the shed not who went to the karaoke

    Haru January 3, 2024 12:37 pm
    The police checked with the witness and anyone who is present during that time. Dongchan and jiwoo is asleep and they also didnt know how the fire started, sunbae is in coma so he cant say anthing, sunny can’... BeeHive

    But sunny clearly said after karaoke he doesn't remember what happened. Clearly there is something happen after he left karaoke.