Reading this manhwa has been the one consistent joy I can look forward to each week. It’...

AHJUICY-AHOLIC January 2, 2024 7:01 pm

Reading this manhwa has been the one consistent joy I can look forward to each week. It’s been so wonderful watching their journey and getting to geek out with y’all. Fingers crossed they don’t make us wait too long for Season 2 cuz I think we’re in for an absolute TREAT!

I also really love how they’re being so realistic with this, because yeah, being gay in Korea is a really REALLY hard thing that results in losing employment, being ostracized, and becoming a social pariah. It is getting better with younger generations so hopefully that changes sooner than later

I honestly thing these two have a higher chance of being accepted by the older generation in the village which is usually the opposite of what happens. I think this might be possible because of how tight knit the community it and how much they adore both of our boys. Fingers crossed they’re met with love and acceptance because they both seem so happy there and it would be a shame for that to change
