Horus wasn’t in his right mind AND he apologized and regretted despite everything. And yes Osiris too duh is it new ? Do you think I like Osiris lol ?? But this wanabee Jesus is a rapist AND don’t regret anything at all and still call Seth is slave ! So why are you opening your mouth for by telling me « Horus and Osiris too »??

What does he refer to when he says “finish what he started”? It doesn’t mean he wants to rape, many people in reality also say this cause they wanna finish off where they left off unless you’re talking about something else. Cause it’s def not the part where he raped Set, cause he’s also a victim in that case. And you talk about that but you don’t complain about Set sexually assaulting Horus.

Lmao I agree. Everyone acts like their bets are better than the other, giving excuses "he wasn't on his right mind" bla bla bla. Everyone hated foreign god when he called Seth his slave without knowing the context, and now that he condemnned a person when he called Seth monster, everyone is silent. The point is everyone is sh8t. Don't act like Horus or Seth is better than whoever cause they ain't. Just cause they're the protags here. Oh, Osiris is an exception tho, anyone is better than him.
lmao everyone on here hating the foreign god but i kinda like him he is so ironically funny