My brain

plinky25 January 2, 2024 6:34 am

Tbh I’m not that into time travel since it’s always frustrated me whenever characters willingly time travel and mess the whole timeline up. But this one was pretty interesting and the FL is being time travelled unwillingly. The cons I’d have to say is that there’s a ton of things in the story you gotta piece together. And the art isn’t the same as before.

NOTE that I’m only on Chapter 53, so any spoilers from after that, please refrain from talking about. Anyways I’ll just leave my thoughts on the events

Contains spoilers:
So the whole bestie dating (now) ex-boyfriend. I don’t actually hold any part of that against them. They believed that the FL was dead and YEARS passed. They both suffered from the loss and they didn’t date or become interested in each other right away. They know each other more and much longer than the time the FL and Gavin were together. Though it does feel bad since that’s kinda taboo in general and still would hurt for the FL. I don’t hold it against the family members for not liking the two due to it since they’re the ones closest to the FL. The only thing is Gavin that annoyed me the most. Instead of doing what the the bestie and Ezra planned to do which was meeting up all together to explain- he basically led her on by taking her out on that date and didn’t say anything, commenting about how beautiful she is KNOWING that she obviously still had feelings for him.

As well as the fact when he specifically said to the FL’s face: “I would still choose her over you.” LIKE NO ONE ASKED?! That was such an unnecessary comment and the FL wasn’t even insisting on being with him. He just said that on his own. Anyways I honestly believe it’s better if Gavin and the bestie are no longer part of the FL’s life. Since they technically had already came to terms with her disappearance and now have come to the conclusion that she’s safe and alive. Seeing them together would just leave a bad taste in the mouth and they’d have to hold back their affections in front of her or otherwise rub it in her face.
