
That's a good point. But I think we have to consider the fact that Hangyul approached Juyeon first. He knows that Juyeon is not normal (like the majority of students his age), therefore he wouldn't get the same reactions as a normal person. Also I think it's worth mentioning that hangyul was almost fantasizing and trying to paint him as a better person, which no one asked him to. So why is he hurt when the other person doesn't respond the way he expected him to?
But hey they're hormonal teenagers trying to figure out their life path, what do I know?
But why Hangyul has to be the one to understand if Juyeon doesn't even want to explain anything? It's really exhausting to have a friend that doesn't even care about themselves and refuse to change. And as another commenter said below friendship is a two-way street, it needs effort from both sides. Hangyul is not an angel, he's an ordinary high school student. Why won't him get pissed off when he only receive the least amount of response everytime they interact?