Yeah tell that to the guy who paid an annual fee and signed paperwork to get into the club and who then chose to go with the most famous dom in the club while also being a total shithead who throws a glass at a sexworker for asking if she did anything wrong. Also possibly the same guy who abused the protagonist in the past.
Yeah watch absolutely none of us feel bad for him

Oh my god you can’t seriously be justifying rape right now, honestly I can’t understand how someone would think that everything you said is enough for someone to force themselves on someone else, being a jerk and piece of trash of a human being does not mean you deserve to be raped and violated like that, I genuinely can’t believe what I’m reading, being a rape apologist is not something to be proud of.Do better

I think that person above you had pretty good points, I don't think this would count as rape when he signed a contract giving his consent (rape=lack of consent) and he visited this establishment multiple times hoping to meet her again. You could say he wanted revenge but the guards stopped him easily last time so what was he hoping for now? Plus by your logic the s3x worker also got raped because despite her consent she was treated badly yet I don't see you complaining about that.
The manhwa depicting actual rape is "Boss, You've Worked Hard (Yaoi)" where he gets black mailed and raped. This is not the same.

You honestly sound like one of those people who condemn Hamas but not Israel.
The main character is a baddie, period. He's trash and I don't see why we're supposed to feel bad for that trashy man who mind you was tryna get violent with her just like he did with that other female sex worker. Anyway, this is all I have to say. Goodbye.

Talking to a rape apologist is like talking to wall, I'm just going to make some points clear and move on with your life because this argument is pointless, first your comment doesn't make any sense just because someone signs a contract to engage in sexual activities in a certain doesn't mean they Consent to be raped, second you should stop justifying rape No means no and he clearly protested many many times, third the sex worker was the one forcing herself on a guy w said no many times over, fourth and I can't stretch this enough for you to understand, when someone doesn't give you verbal Consent and agrees in a conscient state of mind to have sex with you, YOU BACK OFF....peoples bodies are not there for your personal entertainment, you can't violate them just because they're shitty people but I guess not everyone has common sense these days

Lol so only thing your big brain could think of was that you're talking to a wall? A wall with arguments it seems, also I guess it wasn't important enough for your social justice warrior mind to notice, but the sex worker i mentioned was the one he hired at hotel outside the club. He clearly was not treating her right, in fact it seemed like she was abused by him. But let's ignore that poor women and focus on a person who's main goal in life is abusing people around him.
I don't know if you noticed but he signed contract in BDSM club which includes CNC play (consent non consent). But I have to admit that she did not treat him idealy and all this above does not excuse rape, that is if it occurred in this specific situation, since in your words the BL you have read are "literally 90% of them are rape or dub-con" you should know the difference.
The problem was not if he gave consent at the beginning but during it. Which according to my arguments above, he did. He was seeking out this type of pleasure and was frustrated by people around him. In my own words "You could say he wanted revenge but the guards stopped him easily last time so what was he hoping for now?" Same experience of course.
Also I'd like to add that as a woman I physically can't and won't support rape of any gender.it is an act for some worse than death that humiliates and brakes people on deeper levels than we could ever imagine.
She slays.
An actual baddie. Can't wait to get her backstory.