What if?

Yuki January 1, 2024 12:44 pm


    iheartbottoms January 2, 2024 2:50 am


    Sassy9 January 6, 2024 8:49 am

    Cute but what if
    choown's x heeso's daughters !
    That will have more tension lol

    Yuki January 6, 2024 10:27 am
    Cute but what if choown's x heeso's daughters !That will have more tension lol Sassy9

    But that kid is a beta (probably i dont remember) so it’s more unlikely. Beta x omega or alpha that can actually end up together are kinda rare yknow. And since Chowon is a dominant omega, the chances that her baby is a dominant omega too is higher. So dominant omega x female beta, that's going to be hard to work on.

    Sassy9 January 6, 2024 10:32 am

    None of the kids secondary gender were revealed.

    And just because one parent is dominant omega doesn't mean their kid will also be one, that's very stereotypical of you.
    There are many stories with beta x alpha and beta x omega. You need to increase your horizon.

    Yuki January 6, 2024 3:42 pm
    None of the kids secondary gender were revealed.And just because one parent is dominant omega doesn't mean their kid will also be one, that's very stereotypical of you.There are many stories with beta x alpha ... Sassy9

    I only said the probability, that the chances of Bin becoming a dominant omega are high. And yes there are a lot of STORIES with beta x alpha and beta x omega. Their parents are already an example. What I'm saying here is the lore of the omegaverse. It is rare for betaxalpha and betaxomega especially alphaxaplha and omegaxomega to have an actual serious relationship because alpha x omega and betaxbeta is the norm of this universe plus the rut and the heat that they have to think about.

    If the author will write it with a good plot then a win/win for the author and for us readers.

    Sassy9 January 6, 2024 5:06 pm

    Yeah, I agree and Fargo really did gave all the possible ships in their story lol
    Let's hope whatever the story is, it's a good one (=・ω・=)

    ilovemydog January 8, 2024 11:27 pm
    None of the kids secondary gender were revealed.And just because one parent is dominant omega doesn't mean their kid will also be one, that's very stereotypical of you.There are many stories with beta x alpha ... Sassy9

    the author posted a photo of byul on instagram and they said that he was an alpha

    Sassy9 January 9, 2024 4:07 am
    the author posted a photo of byul on instagram and they said that he was an alpha ilovemydog

    OMG!! A "dominant" Alpha then \(_ _)