Holy fuck the coffee shit im close to turning around I don’t know if i ca...
Bro shattered a plastic champagne glass HAHAHA
Can anyone find a similar story where the mc or ml doesn’t understand emo...
nothing even ended up happening with mc's old boss??
I'm confused why a bunch of you chose to read it if you're scared of bdsm, it was obvious from the start so I just don't get why people are all freaked out over some piss play lmaoo,
anyway this was pretty good, basically the first time I see a top piss inside (on purpose, not rape, and not squirt) so that was pretty cool, didn't love how some conflicts were done or resolved, ending was kinda rushed? Or just out of character actually, they didn't elaborate on the tops situation with emotions, felt like they just called him a psychopath and were like "yup, anyway"