I honestly feel you, I'm behind on fees and am absolutely disgustingly broke. I haven't seen my family and cats for the last 6 months (and cant for the next 2-3 years). More importantly, I'm sorry to hear about your best friend and hope you'll take care of yourself and give yourself time to grieve.
I sincerely hope u get to use the new year as an opportunity to make positive changes in your life.You are capable and deserve happiness, cheers man.

I've been through a lot of ups and downs this year too, so I get the mixed feelings. It really hasn't been easy... My condolences for your loss, that must've been incredibly hard. I'm sure you've been very strong! I'm proud of you. I hope you can be too. I wish you and everyone here the greatest year, full of healing, strength, health, luck and happiness!! You all deserve it for making it this far!
This new year is just so depressing. I just left my job and I'm struggling a lot inside. I've been having so much panic attacks lately since my best friend died, my slef esteem is so low that I can't even convince myself to go out. I'm so grossed out of myself and I'm being so mean and unfair to myself that I started feeling bad abt myself lmao. I truly just hope that next year's a better year. I just wanna be able to breathe freely.