The most relatable thing ive read tbh i read this just for shit and giggles since its the new year and her first book absolutely broke me down idk that THIS TEARED ME APART, whats the difference between loving friends to "love" them ? In this lifetime i would never can answer it
The "woman who confessed" God knows how much i struggle wanting to reach back to my ex even though its been years oh my God...
The filling my heart with overeating and self punishment of eating "rewards" IM TEARINGGG i never cried this damn hard its so comforting to know theres others struggling but finally lead to healthier self healing
I love her sm i pray that her next book is a journey for the better
The most relatable thing ive read tbh i read this just for shit and giggles since its the new year and her first book absolutely broke me down idk that THIS TEARED ME APART, whats the difference between loving friends to "love" them ? In this lifetime i would never can answer it
The "woman who confessed" God knows how much i struggle wanting to reach back to my ex even though its been years oh my God...
The filling my heart with overeating and self punishment of eating "rewards" IM TEARINGGG i never cried this damn hard its so comforting to know theres others struggling but finally lead to healthier self healing
I love her sm i pray that her next book is a journey for the better