"haters leave" nah

Drug store December 30, 2023 9:55 pm

This whole fiction doesn't affects reality bullshit you PEDOPHILES always try to pull when people tell you liking a child being in a relationship with a teenager and/or adult, you wanting to see that in a story, wanting to read about it makes you a fucking weirdo pedophile . You liking see this kid being put in weird sexual positions and situations is WEIRD!!! The author is a pedophile!!! And they should kill themselves. Y'all wanna have some moral ground by saying "uh but you can't tell people to kill themselves" I'm not telling people to kill themselves I'm telling PEDOPHILES to kill themselves, they are not people worth of respect in my eyes

    xlolalolax December 31, 2023 9:01 pm

    fr i could understand even the whole admiration on tsubaki's side because kids often get those kind of "crushes", but he's literally portrayed as a sexual object MUCH MORE OFTEN than the older dude (which is, on the other side, infantilised as hell). i'm 100% sure if this manga was about small girl and older dude ppl would go feral, but since it's about two guys it's just okay?? disgusting

    Drug store December 31, 2023 9:46 pm
    fr i could understand even the whole admiration on tsubaki's side because kids often get those kind of "crushes", but he's literally portrayed as a sexual object MUCH MORE OFTEN than the older dude (which is, o... xlolalolax

    Fr you can go search for any manga with Loli/lolicon in the title and you'll see how in the comments it's going to be absolutely ripped apart but this one it's okay? It's fucking weird. If this was an innocent story the child wouldn't be put in such weird fucking situations

    xlolalolax January 1, 2024 1:02 am
    Fr you can go search for any manga with Loli/lolicon in the title and you'll see how in the comments it's going to be absolutely ripped apart but this one it's okay? It's fucking weird. If this was an innocent ... Drug store

    THIS, ppl just love excusing and normalising their shitty disgusting fetishes. and yeah, some just don't realise that when you meet someone and one of you is a literal child and the other is much older, waiting for that person to mature enough to actually start dating or sth IS FCKD AS HELL

    Hestia★彡 January 3, 2024 11:07 pm

    NO RIGHT? I’m sick and tired of ppl trying to defend this story like atp js say y’all like kids

    H0rny JellyFiSh January 8, 2024 3:29 am

    My friend, fuck you and all the bullshit you just said, if you don't like shotacon/lolicon DONT FUCKING READ IT!! Why are you here anyways asshole?? People are allowed to read and write and enjoy whatever the fuck they want especially because this (as well as all the other shota mangas) is a fictional story and this boy is a fictional character, there's nothing wrong with putting him in "weird" situations THIS IS WHAT THE STORY IS ALL ABOUT BTW those situations are what make the story funny and it's part of the genre >:P I suggest you get over it or even better stop reading and insulting the author's work!! Also, enjoy shota/loli manga doesn't mean you're a pedophile, but believing it does for sure makes you an idiot

    Drug store January 8, 2024 3:46 am
    My friend, fuck you and all the bullshit you just said, if you don't like shotacon/lolicon DONT FUCKING READ IT!! Why are you here anyways asshole?? People are allowed to read and write and enjoy whatever the f... H0rny JellyFiSh

    Ain't reading all that

    H0rny JellyFiSh January 8, 2024 4:09 am
    Ain't reading all that Drug store

    Omg u r learning not to read what u doesn't agree with :D thank god

    Drug store January 8, 2024 5:02 am
    Omg u r learning not to read what u doesn't agree with :D thank god H0rny JellyFiSh


    xlolalolax January 9, 2024 12:18 am
    My friend, fuck you and all the bullshit you just said, if you don't like shotacon/lolicon DONT FUCKING READ IT!! Why are you here anyways asshole?? People are allowed to read and write and enjoy whatever the f... H0rny JellyFiSh

    u r just proving my point

    Hestia★彡 January 9, 2024 6:14 am
    My friend, fuck you and all the bullshit you just said, if you don't like shotacon/lolicon DONT FUCKING READ IT!! Why are you here anyways asshole?? People are allowed to read and write and enjoy whatever the f... H0rny JellyFiSh

    Just say you like kids dude. No ones reading all that

    H0rny JellyFiSh January 9, 2024 2:19 pm
    Just say you like kids dude. No ones reading all that Hestia★彡

    LMAOOOOO liking shotacon/lolicon ≠ being a pedo
    Why is it so hard for you guys to understand it? Honestly

    Drug store January 9, 2024 5:28 pm
    LMAOOOOO liking shotacon/lolicon ≠ being a pedoWhy is it so hard for you guys to understand it? Honestly H0rny JellyFiSh

    Tell me how is liking seeing literal depiction of children in sexual situations not pedophilia? If a black person is depicted as a racist caricature it's still racism even though it's a drawing. People hating fictional female characters for no reason it's still fucking misogyny.

    H0rny JellyFiSh January 9, 2024 7:39 pm
    Tell me how is liking seeing literal depiction of children in sexual situations not pedophilia? If a black person is depicted as a racist caricature it's still racism even though it's a drawing. People hating f... Drug store

    If liking when a character you hate (from any piece of media) dies or liking any gory anime or manga or whatever doesn't make you a sadistic bloodthirsty murder then liking shota manga doesn't necessarily make you a pedo. It's simple, you can enjoy smth in fiction and not irl :P

    Drug store January 9, 2024 9:08 pm
    If liking when a character you hate (from any piece of media) dies or liking any gory anime or manga or whatever doesn't make you a sadistic bloodthirsty murder then liking shota manga doesn't necessarily make ... H0rny JellyFiSh

    It doesn't but that because that's how the narrative wants you to feel, the fiction is actively affecting you lmao making you feel stuff, a character (usually a villain) dying and you enjoying it and wanting to see a child having sex and or in a relationship with a grown ass person are two very different things lmao

    H0rny JellyFiSh January 9, 2024 10:05 pm
    It doesn't but that because that's how the narrative wants you to feel, the fiction is actively affecting you lmao making you feel stuff, a character (usually a villain) dying and you enjoying it and wanting to... Drug store

    The narrative of any shota/loli manga also makes you ship the main characters lol just like any other romance manga but one of the characters is a kid, ppl don't have to feel guilty for shipping them just like they dont feel guilty for shipping other pairings from other romance manga, all fictional ships follow the same logic, none of the characters involved (kid or not) is real, liking a fictional pairing doesn't hurt anyone really, just because I ship a pairing with a big age gap it doesn't mean I'm a pedo and a piece of trash and just because you don't like this kind of ship it doesn't mean you're better than the ones who like it :'(

    Drug store January 9, 2024 11:14 pm
    The narrative of any shota/loli manga also makes you ship the main characters lol just like any other romance manga but one of the characters is a kid, ppl don't have to feel guilty for shipping them just like ... H0rny JellyFiSh

    People don't feel guilty shipping other romance ship because usually they're the same fucking age and not children you fucking idiot

    Drug store January 9, 2024 11:23 pm
    The narrative of any shota/loli manga also makes you ship the main characters lol just like any other romance manga but one of the characters is a kid, ppl don't have to feel guilty for shipping them just like ... H0rny JellyFiSh

    Bro it doesn't matter if it doesn't hurt anyone it still wrong lmao, who do you think actively searches for stories like this? Because it's not normal people, who do you think is the targeted audience? PEDOPHILE you fucking idiot ITS PEDOS WHO LOOK FOR THIS STUFF SO THEY CAN INDULGE INTO THEIR SICK FANTASIES. They are the actively looking for shota/Loli porn so they don't get fucking arrested for looking at real child porn. Do you think pedos should be able to safely indulge into their pedophilic fantasies?

    Hestia★彡 January 10, 2024 7:14 pm
    LMAOOOOO liking shotacon/lolicon ≠ being a pedoWhy is it so hard for you guys to understand it? Honestly H0rny JellyFiSh

    You literally said you didn’t even care anymore and you still wanted them to kiss regardless of Tsubaki being a whole fcking child. LIKE HELLO? You realize how strange that sounds right. Literally proving are point.