A great read with GORGEOUS at!

Kaito.Hat December 30, 2023 9:50 pm

This was a fun read! Not going to pretend like I know the ins and outs about DiD or claim this webtoon accurately portrayed the condition, but I did love reading about the tensions surrounding Tae-Oh! Having his existence problematized because he could've never come to be if Tae-Jun didn't go through his immense trauma vs. being treated as a separate entity with his own thoughts, likes, and feelings was so interesting! It was also really interesting to see how Dongjae disrupted the balance between TO and TJ as they both came to love him. I don’t really like “love triangles” (if you can call it that?), but the drama was immaculate! But I wish this didn't end so soon - I feel like Tae-Jun's character needed a little more time in the limelight. I LOVED watching his facade of being the "perfect" straight guy break down to reveal the messy gay man that's bitter, jealous, and insecure over his sexuality and the relationship between Tae-Oh and Dongjae. Though I feel like there should've been a final stage where he becomes more comfortable being who he is and being in a relationship with DongJae. Regardless, I think this webtoon wrapped up pretty nicely!

I’m happy Tae-Oh didn't disappear in the end btw! I know it’s kind of a hot take considering all the DiD discourse in the comments, but he’s honestly such a charming character once you look past him being a sex pest xd. His relationship dynamic with Dongjae really carried this webtoon, and I’m glad the webtoon centered on that rather than focusing on a “cure” for TJ/TO.

    memoassss January 19, 2024 7:38 am

    Couldn’t have said it better myself!! I SOO AGREE with you that TJ’s side needs to be fleshed out a lot more.