Honestly I agree with you that the pacing is crazy. I have read my fair share of stories like these and they at least come to a good stopping point before they time skip the MC. It was randomly done. The relationships are understandable to me at least but I am not attached to anyone at all meaning their back stories and interaction with the MC has no depth. The MC is not consistent with her feelings and it's hard to see where she is because they time skipped her too far before we saw any real bonding with her evil family. (There was no at least my family loves me era) Honestly I find myself having to refocused because I'm not attached to anyone other than the MC when they are in danger. Speaking of danger in ch 30-34 obtaing that snake was the worst adventure ever because it was barely planned and had a weird transition (honestly thought a chapter was missing). But I'm a sucker for stories like this so I am officially caught up and will follow when I'm bored.

A story things can be left to interpretation to a certain degree but come on. What's the point of a story of it's all up to interpretation. The only relationship that was developed is the egg changing color when she helps people... And I guess theo. She doesn't like her dad but "cares for him" because he is attached to her but we barely see them interact well.
So yes I would like to be spoonfed and I want it to be sweet. Because this is kinda blah. (I'm waiting for my dragon and her relation ship with the princess to save this... If it can)
You see I don't like thrashing someone else's hard work but the story just sucked so bad. The pace is all over the place, the plot is just unclear. The world building couldn't be more VAGUE. Just what is going on. They don't even delve into her past life in details. The characters are annoying too sometimes. Their conversations just don't make sense most of the time. I don't understand their relationship dynamics. They accused her of being a spy from their enemy when she was just a freaking infant but then suddenly they accepted her so easily cuz she was cute? The unexpected timeskip threw me off too. One chapter she was a baby, next chapter she was 7. They talked about visiting a piece of unchartered land when she was just a baby but they sure took their sweet time cuz she only got to visit that land when she turned 7
This series is so messy that they're actually becoming funny. What a trainwreck.