Everytime i imagine myself in the place of any MC that stucked with obsessive villain my o...

BeeHive December 30, 2023 1:00 pm

Everytime i imagine myself in the place of any MC that stucked with obsessive villain my only solution is to use my life as the bargain chip. Like oh you want to kill the child ? Watch me be creative with 1001 way how to s word

    Cheese_ratbcynot December 30, 2023 11:50 pm

    lmao, i would do the same thing, like they would do anything for mc to be theirs but it would be for nothing cuz if i were mc, i would have commit to spite them

    BeeHive January 1, 2024 10:06 am
    lmao, i would do the same thing, like they would do anything for mc to be theirs but it would be for nothing cuz if i were mc, i would have commit to spite them Cheese_ratbcynot

    Ikr it honestly rage me everytime i see the MC goes “okay imma do what you say just let the ML go” like bruh no girlie learn to blackmail them instead