I am kinda disappointed. At first the fl wanted to kill the prince herself, even when ml s...

Cherry December 30, 2023 8:20 am

I am kinda disappointed. At first the fl wanted to kill the prince herself, even when ml said he would kill him for her she was like no, I would kill him myself, then she agreed for ml to kill the prince. In the end he died at the hands of the white hair girl and she was happy just slaughtering his dead body? The revenge execution wasn't worth the build up the author created. Also in the end here as well the ml is starting to take more charge and the fl just going along with him ( ̄へ ̄)i'll stop my rant here, sorry for a long and negative comment

    PurpleHeart January 3, 2024 12:06 am

    I feel you. I already red spoilers so I knew where it was going and how it ends but I also feel disappointed by the results.