A lot of ppl are still here to shit on ppl like you who read stories with gangrape, assault, rape, kidnapping, abuse, and did I mention RAPE. Disgusting pieces of shit like you, the author, the artists and everyone else who enjoys these kinds of stories are the reason why people who hate them continue to come back to bash u nasty ass weirdos.
The thing about other series that have sensitive topics as opposed to this one is the fact that they usually have storylines and if they don't they're just as bad. The thing that makes a lot of people who have read this mad isn't the fact that it has rape and all that other stuff in it, it's the fact that this shit has no genuine storyline that's worth your time at all and still manages to have fans. This was literally had no reason to be made and what is separating real life and fiction gonna do? A real life person made this, a real life person made all their gross thoughts into a "story", a real life person drew this, and real life people are reading and enjoying it. Whether this is fiction or not you have real life people who like this kind of stuff that happens in real life. Plus I only read a bit of it, dropped it, then came back cuz I wanted to see how many more deranged ppl I could clown on
“We don’t need a side story” did the author put a gun on your head and force you to read it??? Why are y’all even here if you don’t like this story…go somewhere else and leave the author alone