
There is definitely something up with logan!! unfortunately the moment he was introduced I had a fishy feeling.... I dont know whether the author is maybe trying to get us suspicous of logan and in the end he turns out to be a guardian of some sort who is protecting someone, or that he is actually up to no good and was sent from the other organisation to kill off what ever was left of the family selvior :S But i know there is definetly more to him than meets the eye.
is anyone else a little bit suspicious about logan? i mean, i know he's a servant and he looks nice but what if he's just like christoph? a royal-blood-turned-servant? i hope he's not a bad character because he's one of my favorites (they all are) but yeah. sometimes he has these sudden pauses/realizations, kind of like you would get when you receive a sudden order through hidden ear-pieces or you're being controlled by someone. for instance, when he met lucaon, and when he was speaking to ryan. ryan also mentioned he has "a strong aura for a servant". i don't know what to feel anymore. yikes.