I think it’s meant to be like a snide comment where all the things he doesn’t like in his daughter is considered manly so when she says “I hope she grows into a man” it’s suppose to be like a “haha the wrong part is changing, opposed to her “in feminine” behaviour changing I guess she should just become a man. Idk if that made sense or not. But this also could’ve just been a translation error lol

It wasn’t an error. It’s bc the father was complaining about his daughter being a “silly girl” and demeaning her bc she’s a girl. So when he says he hopes she’ll grow out of it, Mildred responds by saying she hopes she becomes a man bc she’s criticizing how the father is just complaining that his child is acting out of turn for a girl. It’s like he despises having a daughter. The other comment responding to you also said this, but the traits she displays would be acceptable and admirable if she were a son, so Mildred’s comment is pointing out that the father would be pleased if she wasn’t a girl, basically.
When she said "I can't wait to see if your daughter will grow into a man as she gets older" was it just a translation error and the "man" part was supposed to be "woman"
And did she mean that she hopes the daughter continue to be as smart and headstrong as she is currently and the fact that the father thought the daughter was "silly" is not something Mildred condones him saying/thinking?