
far December 28, 2023 12:24 pm

what's wrong with that fcker how did he become the saint when his whole ass is screaming demonic personality

    Sakuraruu January 6, 2024 6:21 am

    lol, only because the scars on his shoulder match the description of the prophecy.
    Meanwhile, FL’s scars was being covered by a curse that keep eating away at her life force and divine power.
    The fucker who killed Ran’s mom is also the one who put that curse on FL, and throw her away to make her suffer ‘till death.
    The reason why he is not killing her when she was baby is because if she die, a new saint will appear and the fucker will have to search for the new one.
    And if by chance the new saint got discovered by the Guardians, his plan will be jeopardises.
    So by lletting FL alive while dying slowly and been hidden, he will have enough time to concoct his evil scheme.
    The reason why the fucker threw Ran into human world was to make him hates human and turn into demon that can destroy, so fucker can use Ran to weaken the holy knights.
    It is also this fucker who planted the fake saint.
    And! Also it is this fucker who dethroned the previous Eastern Monarch (the small lady at beginning chapter) and make this other young girl the substitute to become his puppet to control the Eastern continent.