The dragon never leaves the fl's side and this causes the ml to be frustrated(and jealous) as he wants to have some alone time with the fl. One day, the fl went to the bathroom and the dragon sadly waits for her return. The ml lowkey felt bad for it, so he goes and comforts the dragon.
(This spoiler is from LilyBear in Novelupdates)
The dragon immediately recoils and scolds, 'how dare you touch me, human!!' 'You can talk?!?!' 'Foolish human! I am much older than you! Hmp!' And he jumps out the window to get away from Glenn. Glenn is flabbergasted and angry. The dragon could talk this WHOLE time. He was pretending to be a mute animal to better monopolize Nadia. Glenn and the dragon's relationship takes a new turn after that. The two often exchanging glares. Glenn and Nadia leave for the capital for some weeks for the king's birthday. The dragon must stay behind with the old Marqui. When they return Nadia is shocked to see the dragon has grown to the size of a large dog. 'Well if he keeps up at this rate he will have to start living outdoors.' After this comment the dragon immediately shrinks to his original baby size. Glenn thinks some unpleasant things about the sly dragon.
The dragon never leaves the fl's side and this causes the ml to be frustrated(and jealous) as he wants to have some alone time with the fl. One day, the fl went to the bathroom and the dragon sadly waits for her return. The ml lowkey felt bad for it, so he goes and comforts the dragon.
(This spoiler is from LilyBear in Novelupdates)
The dragon immediately recoils and scolds, 'how dare you touch me, human!!'
'You can talk?!?!'
'Foolish human! I am much older than you! Hmp!' And he jumps out the window to get away from Glenn. Glenn is flabbergasted and angry. The dragon could talk this WHOLE time. He was pretending to be a mute animal to better monopolize Nadia.
Glenn and the dragon's relationship takes a new turn after that. The two often exchanging glares.
Glenn and Nadia leave for the capital for some weeks for the king's birthday. The dragon must stay behind with the old Marqui.
When they return Nadia is shocked to see the dragon has grown to the size of a large dog.
'Well if he keeps up at this rate he will have to start living outdoors.'
After this comment the dragon immediately shrinks to his original baby size. Glenn thinks some unpleasant things about the sly dragon.