Hermes is the one who brought the girls to be raped by Poseidon. Him and Poseidon are rapists and huge lady men. So yeah, Poseidon and Hermes. I've read a LOT of mythology and discuss it with friends who like it.
And EVEN IF it wasn't Hermes and Poseidon it still wouldn't be Dionysus and Apollo honey. Idk where you've read that they could be like this

And since you don't like researching things like an autonomous person judging from the shit you say, here are a few links for you.
I recommend you go to your local library though you'll find more, if it's not too hard for you.
Hermes was a scheming little shit on top of being a rapist, while Poseidon was mainly a rapist.
https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url= https://classics.domains.skidmore.edu/lit-campus-only/secondary/Lefkowitz%25201994.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwjKw46l_bGDAxUXVqQEHRoyDIQQFnoECEAQAQ&usg=AOvVaw2k8xR1McJx1VXfpaU_68lM

And yeah, Zeus is actually the best match so maybe you should have started by correcting the OP with that instead of approving bullshit then try to argue like you hadn't just approved the most absurd theory, how about that.
Hermes, Poseidon and Zeus are all better guesses than Dionysus and Apollo so don't act like I'm the one who backed up a ridiculous hypothesis in the first place.
Thanks. Now I'm done.
no but is he dionysus? that’s the only god ik that’s always horny, smug, and insufferable