I prefer my men to act like men, even if they're gay. I don't mind a girly type every once in a while but I hate it when they make an initially straight man act girly without some legitimate reason (such as living with all women and bring the youngest). But, like I said, I enjoy High Clear by this author but this particular story wasn't up to par for me. I'm not into bears, or anything, and I love androgynous men, but I want them to be fit at least. Like a runner's or swimmer's bod

I was talking about gestures and such things as unnaturally affected behaviorsand mannerisms. Not personality traits. Like when a girl purposefully pitches her voice extremely high to seem more innocent than she is because she wants to be cutesy or hide her manipulative nature. Or when gay men talk with a lisp on purpose. Why? They don't need to do that. It's a form of self-loathing. You're fine the way you are, and people should accept that. Hard, I know, and I struggle with it, but I would never change something on purpose like that or adopt a mannerism that is unnatural. In this case, I believe I was talking about how the uke was wholly straight and then suddenly started adopting extremely feminine ways of sitting or hand gestures, things like that. And then we all just started talking about what we prefer I'm general with manga. \(^-^)/
Terrible. I get what the author was going for but that was just awful. Bad continuity, weird plot, and anatomical issues. Just didn't like it, but hey, to each their own. (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜