
I’ve been molested when I was 11 y.o by a family member, I really suggest you to seek help like I did. Trust me, it’s very helpful.
And I also suggest you stop reading things like this, not only this is fiction but it’s also something people like us (survivors) must be careful about.
This type of comics/stories do not affect me since I know it’s fiction, but it might not be the same for you
Every time this manga gets an update people will comment on how it’s endorsing pedophilia or whatever and yet read every chapter. Shota has always been a part of BL and female oriented Japanese media, you don’t need to pretend to hate it. And even if you do genuinely hate it (despite reading 85 chapters of something you know you’ll dislike since it’s literally in the title) there are real children getting hurt by actual pedophiles. Please don’t use that word so lightly.