love it when the weight of unspoken feelings hangs above a friendship like a guillotine. entirely obsessed with how weird they are about each other. Yuusei being the most repressed mf on earth in general but especially about Itsuki and Itsuki responding to this growing distance between them that he hate hate *hates* by constantly demanding skin ship/physical contact with him. I genuinely can't tell if he knows that he might have romantic feelings for Yuusei because he's just so focused on clinging to the one person who has been there with him through *everything* that he could have not thought about/refusing to think about if how he behaves with Yuusei is normal even in the slightest or not. 1000/10 manga. I need to explode Itsuki with my mind.
from your comment i knew youd have good taste so my disappointment was IMMEASURABLE when your whole account was bare except for this one comment TALK MORE ON MANGAGO PLEASEEEEE
from your comment i knew youd have good taste so my disappointment was IMMEASURABLE when your whole account was bare except for this one comment TALK MORE ON MANGAGO PLEASEEEEE bvalgarisvengali
love it when the weight of unspoken feelings hangs above a friendship like a guillotine. entirely obsessed with how weird they are about each other. Yuusei being the most repressed mf on earth in general but especially about Itsuki and Itsuki responding to this growing distance between them that he hate hate *hates* by constantly demanding skin ship/physical contact with him. I genuinely can't tell if he knows that he might have romantic feelings for Yuusei because he's just so focused on clinging to the one person who has been there with him through *everything* that he could have not thought about/refusing to think about if how he behaves with Yuusei is normal even in the slightest or not. 1000/10 manga. I need to explode Itsuki with my mind.