Is it weird?

Mimimimimimimo December 27, 2023 12:26 am

So we got our sex scene... yay? Like its good but honestly the scene after is just ... better. Like him saying after all his years of hard-working he finally found himself a handsome hubby is so much more impactful to me than the sex. I'm not saying it was bad it's just that this story is a great shounen ai.

    Neruuu December 27, 2023 12:38 am

    YES!!! They're so precious!!! The sex scenes aren't terrible by any means, it's great! but the scenes that follow are a million times better! It's so good – when Sung Ho asked why they weren't showering together and when Haebom told him to teach him. They're so smitten with each other and it's so beautiful. They've been through so much, now, they've found someone else who they can rely on!!!