
I don't like that couple too. Their relationship is toxic. There's nothing good about them together. Heeno is straight up insensible ass and Aerak is just too weak and stupid. I don't even give a shit about those two again. I only want that red haired guy who loves Aerak from the very beginning to find his happiness.
Ugh I'm at chapter 60 and ugh I totally hated Sunbae and Heeno I just don't approve of that couple. I mean how can Sunbae just start dating Heeno after being called an animal and a pig in the past by the person he loved. I never though I would hate a character so much like how I hate Heeno, I can't wait to see the look on his face when he finds out who Sundae was in the past and I don't care if he says that he doesn't care if he fat now or whatever what done is done and even if he forgiven I will still hate him. I wanted Sunbae to end up with the red hair guy Doyul, now he liked him even when he was fat, stupid Sunbae.
I'm sorry I'm just pissed off at this stupid couple that almost made me drop this manga but then I remember the main couple and the adorable Ayumin. Doyul my man you deserve someone much better then Sunbae, I'll be looking forward to your story or love which I hope you get one soon to heal my hear.