Is this still going to be updated?

jamme82736 December 26, 2023 9:01 am

I find the story pretty good, but it feel like some plot are missing, doesn't make sense, or it feel like it was skip. Like, how Feng ming and Ron tian fall in love so quickly. Like they were arguing just a min ago in the first few chapter bc Ron tian want to sleep with ming yk... and the next thing they already like each other after they make that deal ( the one uke ask to top). I think. I don't mind if they develop love quickly but it just kind of don't make sense.
Also, I feel pity for Rou Yan (imma called him Li bc i remember that what they called him king li). Like they make him fall in love with Feng ming so quickly, yk like falling for your first love sth, I forgot how you said it. I think Li and Ron tain is pretty much the same and can both be villains, just that ming meet Ron tain first and he guide him in the right path. If it were the opposite, I think li could also have done what Ron tain done too. I mean both Ron tain and li are both obsesse type, just that the other is more obsessed bc he wasn't loved.
One fact I find interesting is that all the side characters such as the assistant guard, all their love interest is the opposite which is their enemies. I find that more interesting . I like ru houg (I think that how his name is spell, maybe) and the other guy from king li assistant guard (forgot his name). They make a good couple, and it kind of sad that they're enemies. They would make it a good story.
I like how Feng ming is smart, straight forward, and know what he truly wanted. Idk why, but sometimes I find him kind of selfish.
What do you think?
